Friday, 11 March 2016

Maths reflection

Maths reflection.
I have learnt how to round to the nearest 10,100,1000.And how many groups of 10,100,1000 are in a number.I have spent time on mathletics which really helps me.I have learnt to take the zeros of the number for the nearest 10,100,1000.I have a good strategy I use I look at the end number and look at the first number for example round 55 to the nearest ten so you know that 5 is the magic number so under 5 it stays the same if it was 54 then the answer would be 50 but it is 55 so the answer is 60.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Swimming Sports

On a peaceful Friday morning it became my favourite day... it  was senior school swimming sports!!!
It's great to get out in the pool and try your best.

Mrs Hobbs called ''The people that want to do two lengths of the pool please come up to the marshaling area''. I had never done two lengths of the pool, so I was very shy. As I walked up I said to myself ''come on Keira you can do this''. I was shaking with fear. I sat down by all the other students, waiting to start their race. I was scared I was not going to make it. Mrs Hobbs came up to me and said ''What is your house?'' So I said ''Kakapo'." So Mrs Hobbs put me in lane 5,  I was at the back of the line.When I was at the back of the line I stared at everyone else that was racing finally it was my turn my heart was beating faster than a tiger charging through the grass. Mrs N shouted on your marks Oh No i thought get set OK i have got to panic now Go Crash!as i dived in to the pool.I swam with great fear swish swash swishy swash so I swam smash my hands touched the end of the pool.Another length I thought but there was NO time to talk because it's a race. My legs were all like jelly. My legs were floting down but I did a quick save and pushed them up I keped pushing though the water and my finally toughed the end of the pool I came last but I still felt proud because I had swam to lengths none stop so I thought I should be proud.I knew I could do it!

Thursday, 3 March 2016


I did a triathlon on Friday the 19th February 2016 we swam 5 lengths of the school pool. Ran around the block. And biked 2 laps of the field. My favorite part was swimming 5 lengths of the school pool because that cooled me down. I felt the wind blowing in between my feet. my legs were as floppy as jelly fish, riding over the bumpy hills was fun. I smelt the fresh air. I touched the ground with my feet. It felt like the wind was pulling me to the end of the race. As soon as I crossed the finish line I felt proud, I loved that afternoon.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Noho

 Here are some photos that Mr Gemmel took. The first one is of my Dad and my sister and Mrs Bryant talking    

I am in the back ground of this photo

This is Kahikatea learning a Maori song. We had the best teacher ever.We had the best time ever at the marae.