Friday, 29 September 2017

My Reflection Week 10 Term 3

             My Reflection Week 10 Term 3
WOW!!!! I am flabbergasted it's the end of the term wow that flew past so quickly like a bird flying at full speed, was that a simile?. Wow, I think that was a simile or it might have been a cliche but either way that's what we have been learning about in Writing this week. Here is some of the story I started writing this week. It's called ''My Nightmare'' The polar bear was walking to me in slow motion with every step it took it was threating me. I began to sweat with fear and it fell of my chin into a puddle it was like I was crying but I wasn't. The Book Challenge right even though I have only read 31 books doesn't mean I still can't finish the challenge if I read a book a day I will probably able to finish it I am going to try read a book a day because I really want to complete it because last year I didn't so it would be great to do it this year. For Maths we have been doing decimals fractions and percentages there were three columns and we had to say the percentages and decimals and fractions.

Term 3 Review

                          Term 3 Review
This Term has been probably been one of the best terms this year I think I have improved in all subjects

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Kahiketea Music Performance

In Term 2 we did a music performance I wasn't in the performance because I was sick I still did all the practices up to the performance though I was going to be a singer I think everyone did a brilliant job. Here Is The Video of our performance.

Friday, 22 September 2017

My Reflection Week 9 Term 3

             My Reflection Week 9 Term 3 

In Maths we have been learning about fractions Equivalent fractions and Reading decimal fractions we got a worksheet about it I didn't understand any of it but someone from my group helped me then I understood it a bit more.

In Reading, I read Cassie's Crush It was about this girl and she liked a boy called Ollie and she risked her life for him she climbed  up onto a roof to spy on Ollie then someone saw her and started screaming and she called the police and the police couldn't get her down so they called the fire brigade because they have big ladders so that was a lot of drama. 

(I wasn't here on Thursday)
Thanks For Reading :)

My Reflection Week 8 Term 3

               My Reflection Week 8 Term 3
This week has been a very busy week because of production we have finished all of our four performances!. I think everyone did very well in our production and the best part about it EVERYONE had a role to play. I was sort of sad when we had to take down background but I still enjoyed it very much.

In Maths we have been learning about fractions I get more and more of an understanding each time we go down to the mat in groups for maths rotations. I have also been doing some fraction activities on Mathletics.

In Reading, I have read Dessert Diva by Carrie Bright. It was about this girl called Maddy and she ate heaps of desserts at least two or more of the school lunch menu and she wanted to be on a health kick diet and she wanted to be fit but she had a bit of trouble trying to eat just fruit and vegetables and some meat.

Thanks for taking the time to read my Week 8 Reflection. 

Production Blog

Production Blog
In Term 3 2017 we did Kahikatea team production. We only had 8 weeks to produce the play but we would usually have 10 weeks so I think we did pretty well in fact.My role in the production was being a bird I had three lines and I was SO nervous. But I think I did really well and I am proud of myself.

Friday, 8 September 2017

My Reflection Term 3 Week 7

  My Reflection Term 3 Week 7
This week in Maths we have been learning about fractions and decimals we have been learning to plus decimals so this a question using algorithms to plus decimals..780986413.And the third line is the answer 123956456.
And I have also been doing quite a lot of Mathletics too :)

In Reading on Monday I finished the book ‘’My Big Fat Teen Crisis’’I would rate it a five out of five-star rating it was such I good book I am also reading ‘’Vicky Angel’’ It’s a really good book too.

Thanks For Reading My Reflection :)